THE ULTIMATE PLAYERS GUIDE TO: ROBIN HOOD There is no specific route to winning the game because of the way the world works. You cannot predict exactly where people will be at any particular point or how they may be feeling towards you. However, here are some general do's and don'ts which you could adopt for a winning strategy.... DON'T GET CAUGHT! ----------------- After commiting two crimes, either robberies or killings, Robin will be outlawed. He'll then be arrested on sight. Further crimes lead to your Merry Men being outlawed as well. Be naughty just one time too many and the Sherrif will put a price on your head. Once this happens, almost everyone will be tempted to turn you in and claim the reward money. Don't draw a bow in sight of any guards, this is illegal and results in you being arrested! A disguise is available from Friar Tuck, but first you'll have to meet him! Note that the fat monk makes frequent trips from the monastery to the castle. On his return he is usually carrying some gold. You should rob him of his gold and give this to the poor, of course! Tuck will flee for quite some distance and can be found moping on the ground. Speak to him at this point and he will explain that he cannot return to the Abbey without the gold, he will join your cause and give you the cloak. You cannot be recognised whilst disguised as a monk, but be careful not to drop it by shooting at an inappropriate moment. WEAPONARY --------- Occaisionally, you'll see a small ring of dots on the grass. These are magic mushrooms! Use the Take button to pick them. The mushrooms can bring an ally back to life but you must use it before they're buried. Mushrooms may only be used once, but some will grow elsewhere. The Sword, Give and Take icons can also be used on the Merry Men, but they then have the effect of issuing orders to the men to either give money away, rob someone on your behalf or go and find a Norman to kill. Archery practice will speed up Robin's reload time when he's shot an arrow. Practice literally does make perfect, well, faster at the very least. When you're robbing the merchant, he'll usually succumb after one attempt, but if you're accompanied by a Merry Man or two he'll probably give up the dosh straight away. Don't rob people if they're close to any guards. To escape from any guards, you might try struggling with the Sword icon or using your gift from the dragon. Alternatively, blow your horn and summon the Merry Men to rescue you. Either way, try and avoid being released inside the castle and run like mad as soon as you get free. If all else fails, have a go at bribery. BITS AND BOBS ------------- Archery practice, naturally enough, increases the rate at which Robin can fire arrows. the guardian of the island is no use as a corpse. Don't sit back and let the poor peasants hang. Rescue one and they could well become a close personal ally. Remember not to neglect the fair Maid Marion, she's very pretty and will give you a ring after three conversations because she's that kind of girl. You'll have to speak to her three times before she finally falls in love with you. the ring lets you look into the hearts of other characters. Peasants get hungrier in Winter, so make sure you've got some money to give to beggars. Once you've recruited Little John, subsequent visits to his island will let Robin put his feet up. Other Merry Men will normally return to the island after a mission. The Duck talks a load of old, erm, birdshit. Perhaps our feathery friend should learn exactly what it means to be a sitting duck? Empty bellies make for poor warriors, so make sure the underdogs aren't underfed. If you're not seen as a hero when you win the castle back, you might as well not have bothered. Killing the evil Sheriff of Nottingham is going to scare the guards no end. Their first thought will be to find a place of safety, you should get there beofe them. SHOOT THE SHERIFF ----------------- The wizard at the North West corner of the map will give you a powerful crystal for viewing Sherwood on your first visit. Subsequent visits can yeild further clues. Remember your objective is to insert a well-placed arrow into the heart of the Sheriff (if you can find it!). You should put yourself in a position to kill the Sheriff at the same time as your popularity is high. You must also gain sole occupancy of the castle. Robin may not normally enter the castle unless he's under arrest or followed someone in. Don't forget you can use the monk's disguise from Friar Tuck. A good time to enter the church is when the Sheriff and some guards are on their way to church. Stand in the entrance and shoot the Sheriff on his way in. When you hear someone in distress, they may have been arrested for stag hunting or being unable to pay taxes, you should run directly to the gallows and fight the guard just before he hangs the prisoner. This gains plenty of heroism points and you may find that you've rescued Will Scarlet. If you do, Scarlet will give you a horn. When you give it a blow, the horn will summon Will Scarlet, Little John and Friar Tuck if he's been recruited. SLAYING THE DRAGON ------------------ A dragon may be extremely bad tempered and violent, but did you know it can talk... slaying the dragon gains a high heroism rating but he needs to be hit twice. So, run like hell after you've fired your first shot. He'll chase you for some time but will eventually give up and creep home. Then go back and have another crack. Dragons never let it lie! Once he's been wounded he'll head for you any time he sees you. TOP OF THE TIPS --------------- Just in case you can't hack it as an outlaw, here is the cheat mode. Press the ALT key followed by any of the bracketed numbers below for the desired effect. There are a few more hidden features and tricks that are not listed, so try and suss 'em out for yerself! (370) Outlaw stag hunting (371) Outlaw Robin Hood (372) Outlaw Merry men (373) Put a price on Robin's head (441) Cycle through the seasons (213) Move to island near Little John (214) Move to spring near Wizard (659) Make Merry Men join up (103) Marian falls in love (166) Maximum heroism (167) Minimum heroism (828) Legalise Robin Hood (666) Cause a church service! (472) Gain all objects (222) ? Docs typed by /Vasty Boy/STRESS! End.